
Environmental Economics Services (EES) is a small consulting firm that specializes in the economic aspects of natural resource damages (NRD) from:

  • oil spills,
  • hazardous substance releases, and
  • wildfires.

The economic aspects include estimating recreation damages, groundwater damages, and other alleged economic impacts.  EES also has extensive experience in both NRD and non-NRD contexts with:

  • Non-Market Valuation Techniques (e.g., travel cost and contingent valuation methods)
  • Benefits Transfer Methodology,
  • Habitat Equivalency Analysis,
  • Resource Equivalency Analysis, and
  • Net Environmental Benefit Analysis.

Dr. Rick Dunford founded EES in the summer of 2005, after being a Vice President of Triangle Economic Research (TER) for 11 years.  Since 1988, Dr. Dunford has led or participated in more than 80 NRD assessments on behalf of potentially responsible parties.  His involvement in these assessments has ranged from simply reviewing NRD assessments developed by government agencies to cooperative NRD assessments to testifying in NRD trials.  Also, Dr. Dunford regularly publishes articles in peer-reviewed journals and presents papers at professional meetings.

To get additional information on EES and its potential assistance on your project or case, please send a message to Dr. Rick Dunford at RickDunford@EES-LLC.biz.

Updated March 2020